Exploring Digital Audio

August 31, 2022 / Latest News

Canadian consumption of digital audio content has grown significantly over the course of the pandemic, driven by new distribution, new technologies, and an explosion of digital audio content from both Canada and around the world. 

This dramatic growth allows marketers to engage with consumers in new ways, and reach them no matter where they are or what they’re doing. 

Marketers today need to understand how to harness this changing consumer behaviour, recognize the unique needs of the digital audio audience, and learn how technology and targeting can help to achieve their marketing goals by leveraging this growing medium. This webinar will showcase proprietary Canadian data outlining how listening habits have changed for the Canadian consumer. 

We sat down with IAB and a panel featuring the top content creators and clients in the Canadian market to chat through emerging opportunities for today’s marketers and advertisers offering a roadmap to more effective ways to engage with ideal audiences. Check out the clips below!


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