Advertising is all about leveraging data to develop the next generation of ad experiences. We are moving toward a fully addressable ad ecosystem, which will allow marketers to more seamlessly reach consumers across devices and connect their campaigns to real business outcomes.


Work with the RSM Advanced Advertising team and leverage a unique suite of tools to optimize your campaigns and deliver smarter marketing with insights that matter.

Quantifying Awareness campaigns in driving lower funnel consideration

RSM partnered with a QSR and leveraged linear TV ad exposure in combination with Rogers wireless location data to understand the impact of their hockey sponsorship on overall foot traffic.

The results were undeniable, a 12% lift in foot traffic between the exposed and unexposed linear tv viewers.

Defining sales lift of a Streaming TV Video campaign

A targeted streaming TV video campaign delivered greater than 6% sales lift in the treatment audience vs the control for our online professional services advertiser.

The RSM Advanced solutions team designed the test and control framework leveraging best in class analytics to drive impact.

Activating a campaign against a strategic audience to drive measurable results

Lower funnel campaign tactics drove $800K in incremental sales over a two-week period with a large consumer segment with small average sales per customer.

The RSM advanced solutions team designed and executed this test and learn opportunity for our big-box retail client.

Leveraging automation to execute an audience driven omnichannel video strategy

The Cynch television buying platform and programmatic digital channels were leveraged to activate a campaign delivered against our CPG client’s strategic audience.

The Cynch strategic audience demonstrated positive lift vs. the client’s primary demographic on all brand survey metrics, and streaming TV delivered receptive audiences that complemented the linear TV strategy driving 10% incremental reach.


Rogers Enabled Data (R.E.D) is the core data capability that underpins all the advanced advertising opportunities of Rogers Sports & Media. R.E.D. leverages Rogers first party data in a privacy compliant way to bring media activations to life. It is built off the devices and hardware in the hands and homes of our customers, who consume premium content across all screens.

Marketers can layer R.E.D. audience segments on a campaign to reach specific audiences or apply advanced measurement to a campaign to understand who was reached across various platforms.


Leverage R.E.D. Audiences built on Rogers verified first and third-party data signals including lifestyle, demographic, behavioural and media consumption. Leverage readily available, predefined audiences or tailor the approach with custom audiences.


Tailor your campaigns with RSM with Advanced planning. Let us build audience recommendations, develop multi-platform media plans, or provide audience and media profiles through our suite of data products and signals.


Understand the impact of a campaign beyond standard media metrics with advanced performance analytics including attribution, conversion, foot traffic and more.


Understand more about the audiences that were reached with your campaign across all screens and devices. Go deeper with R.E.D. data signals including demographics, lifestyle, behavioural and media consumption habits.

Partner With Us Today

Your success is our success. We are partners you can count on, today and in the future. Let's get started!